a person sewing a part of a green tarpaulin with pens and thread in the bacxkground

Tarpaulin Repairs

If your tarpaulin is ripped or damaged, it may be more cost effective to repair than replace it. William Milne Tarpaulins Scotland offers a tarpaulin repair service that gives you quality repairs you can rely on to prolong the life of your tarpaulin.


What We Do

Lorry Curtains

If your curtains are damaged, we will get you back on the road as fast as possible

Soft Play Area

A more cost effective way to maintain your soft play equipment

General Tarpaulin

We will attempt an inexpensive repair to all your tarpaulin products

Tell us about your next project

Call our team on 01224 631012 or email hello@milne-tarpaulins.co.uk